I recall back when call centers' first adopted the ‘recorded calls’ practice here in Kuwait for quality assurance. Or maybe they had always recorded, but it was new to me? I'm not sure. But I remember thinking that it feels awkward. But with time, I’ve come to realize that no, this is actually a good move from the company’s side. It does ensure better service. The call center agents are very sweet and respectful. When they first pick up, they provide their name and ask so kindly “how may I assist you”. When they’re done, they ask if there’s anything else they may assist you with. When they bid you farewell, they thank you for your call and apologize if they kept you waiting for so long. Ya3ni in the end it turns out to be a very pleasant call really. Feels very professional and friendly at the same time.
I just had an incident with a call center agent at my favorite airline, Qatar Airways. I was so respectful while inquiring about a promotion and while I was asking my questions, trying to understand, the agent gave me attitude which pissed me off! It was at that moment that I realized that I didn’t get the message in the beginning of the call stating that “this call will be recorded”. It struck me as odd. Most call centers' nowadays record their calls, how come Qatar Airways doesn’t?
Anyway, I did what I did in response to this unfortunate incident, but I strongly believe that recorded calls policy should be implemented to avoid such mishaps. Not only does it protect the innocent customer, but in other situations it also protects the innocent call center agent as well.
You're right, I totally agree. Calls should always be recorded. I can't count how many times I've received wrong information from call center agents who don't know what they're doing. They're usually polite, but know nothing! And complaining hardly gets you anywhere =/
Ya, its a problem.
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