Friday, September 17, 2010

Can ppl get any creepier?

During my last flight back to Kuwait, I watched an episode of Boston Legal on the plane. It was striking. A woman fell in love with a man after just 2 dates. During their 2nd date, she stole some of his semen and went off to a fertility clinic to fertilize her eggs. She got pregnant. She stole his semen and got pregnant with his baby and he had no say in it. WTH. Seriously? Can people get any creepier and  messed up than this?

Basically the trial of this case was that the man was accusing this woman of getting pregnant with his child beyond his will and is asking for a court order to terminate the pregnancy. Although the judge and jury sympathized with him, he lost the case unfortunately because the judge said that the state cannot force a woman to put her body at risk of an abortion.

It is a very striking case.


Xpression said...

Wow! hehe talk about extreme measures! it's a wake up call for men!
A better argument could have been: for the woman to steal his semen (collecting it wo his consent) either she's a robber or psychotic. The guy should have pleaded her insane and so yakhthoon her baby away coz she's a psycho or eshooofoonlaha 9erfa widakhlon.ha esijin for stealing.

I wonder how the world would be in the year 3010 :s

a la Mocha said...

Welcome to our blog. :)

If i recall correctly, he did try pleading her insane, but the court was against making her abort by law. I guess he wud need another trial to take the baby away from her using the argument that she's psycho. :P