Saturday, October 16, 2010

2am Post

I felt sleepy around 11pm. At around 1am I hadn't slept yet and was feeling wide awake. It's 2am now and I'm still up. I feel sleep gradually approaching me, but I'm tempted to watch episode 3 of Desperate Housewives, season 7.
To sleep or stay up and watch;
that is the question.


Delicately Realistic said...

i would have watched for sure ;p

a la Mocha said...

And that's exactly wat i did. ;P

Welcome to our blog! ;*

Shayouma said...

I just finished season 5 lol.. I'm really WAAAAY behind i know, plus I don't know how to download from the net :/

eshda3wa said...

watch watch !
i cant get enought of DHW

No3iK said...

love them!